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C'est quoi la musique ?

: Bettina Richards (Thrill Jockey)

La créatrice du label chicagoan Thrill Jockey (Tortoise, Wooden Shjips, Trans Am, Oval...) nous répond

I can not do this on a computer but I would like these words to be written in a spiral — like the grooves on a record.

music is what?

adventure, comfort, known and unknowable, charted and improvised, explorations of the imaginations, romantic, challenging, a moment in time and space, a new moment to each new listener. everything, 78, 16, 33, 45, playing everywhere tonight.

Bettina Richards dirige le label de Chicago : Thrill Jockey.

par Jérôme Orsoni
le 26/06/2009

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